Conversation #1
Time: Now
People: Me, Drew
Topic: Batman, Tone Loc, Black Tar Heroin
KeLz84: drew its rj youre a dead man
GlassEater00: i'm gonna cut your fuckin throat
KeLz84: im gonna kill you in your sleep
KeLz84: murder
KeLz84: im donkey kong and youre the barrel bitch
GlassEater00: what the hell, walter s. and nick t.?
KeLz84: i dont question these things
GlassEater00: you know pat is coming back next week?
KeLz84: yes
KeLz84: weve got a liter of vodka here
KeLz84: should we drink it?
GlassEater00: DOWN IT!!!
KeLz84: kelly wont chug it shes being a bitch
GlassEater00: that's really fucked up
KeLz84: i know
KeLz84: we mixed it with some juice or something idk whats going on realy
GlassEater00: well just suck it down
KeLz84: i changed my major
GlassEater00: to what?
KeLz84: Batman studies
GlassEater00: if i study Joker Studies then we can be arche enemies
KeLz84: uhhh which joker?
KeLz84: cesar romero from the 60s?
KeLz84: cause he was really gay.
GlassEater00: only jack
KeLz84: acceptable.
KeLz84: i only study in Michael Keaton
KeLz84: because jim morrison made a shitty batman
GlassEater00: what's the matter, adam west too good for ya?
KeLz84: adam west had a beer belly and talked too slow
KeLz84: also he took 10 minutes to climb down a ladder
GlassEater00: yea..he was a true hero
KeLz84: we never really noticed that, but watching it the other day, we noticed that when he went down the bat-ladder, he took 10 minutes
GlassEater00: "somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb"
GlassEater00: that was classic batman
GlassEater00: the way it should be
KeLz84: who would win, batman or spiderman
GlassEater00: when superheros just looked like weirdos in tights
GlassEater00: now which batman are we talkin about?
KeLz84: THE batman
KeLz84: the central figure all characters were based on
KeLz84: the comic version
GlassEater00: that's a tough choice
KeLz84: no way
KeLz84: its easy for me
KeLz84: batman would annihalate spiderman
GlassEater00: yea..peter parker's a little bitch
GlassEater00: but they're both fighting the axis of evil so how would that battle even come up?
KeLz84: hey man, it just happens. batman and superman have fought FOUR times
KeLz84: and you know who won every time? BATMAN
GlassEater00: you know why? cause superman wore his underpants on the outside like a little bitch
GlassEater00: plus batman was a true American and not from some faggetty planet with marlon brando
KeLz84: exactly. and he was the greatest detective in the world
KeLz84: nobody stood a chance against him cause he already knew their weaknesses
GlassEater00: but the real genius behind him was alfred?
GlassEater00: he was the man
KeLz84: Batman didnt have no alfred
KeLz84: I mean, superman
KeLz84: or spiderman
KeLz84: we gotta watch batman when i come home
GlassEater00: but the original
KeLz84: thats what i mean
KeLz84: batman: the movie
GlassEater00: hell yea
KeLz84: and we gotta listen to funky cold medina
GlassEater00: whatever that is...we'll do that
KeLz84: the tone loc song
GlassEater00: cool
KeLz84: and were gonna draw pictures of trucks
KeLz84: and when we write our names on them
KeLz84: yours is gonna say "i DREW this picture of a truck"
KeLz84: ok?
GlassEater00: tha'ts genius
KeLz84: Wanna join my booster club team?
GlassEater00: why not
KeLz84: we went to the world tonite, speaking of dudes doing it in the butt
GlassEater00: er?
GlassEater00: lox the cat is back and he's better than ever
KeLz84: what?
KeLz84: no hes not
KeLz84: now he's a junkie
GlassEater00: tha'ts why he's better than ever
KeLz84: hes gonna hook me up with some BT heroin
GlassEater00: good
KeLz84: no itd bad for you shhhh
GlassEater00: it's fuckin medicine
GlassEater00: rj?
KeLz84: im about to vomit man
KeLz84: what
GlassEater00: what the fuck have we been talkin about for the past fiveminutes?
KeLz84: i have no idea man. kelly said we should put this on my webpage cause its fuckin ridiculous
GlassEater00: it really is
When: Month ago
Who: Kelly, Kirby
Topic: ????
KeLz84: opooop
kifo3618: wooooooooooooooooooooo
kifo3618: i love pooooo
KeLz84: hahhahahahhahahahhah
kifo3618: hehheahahhaahahahhohohohohoh
KeLz84: ;kiiiiiiiirrrrby farrrrrrrrrrted
kifo3618: hahahahahahahaha
kifo3618: thjat was like last year mannnnnnnnn
KeLz84: hahhyuahahhahahha
KeLz84: hahhhahhahah
KeLz84: vagina
kifo3618: peis
kifo3618: pisnie
kifo3618: penis
kifo3618: papapapapapapa
kifo3618: penisssssssssszzzzzzzzzzzzzz
kifo3618: hahahahahahahahahaha
KeLz84: ooooooooooooooooooooooh man
kifo3618: what are u guys doinnnnnnnnnnn
KeLz84: nooooooooooooooooothjing
KeLz84: i have comfy pants on
kifo3618: ohhhh
KeLz84: what are you gfuys doin
kifo3618: i have jeans onnnnnnnn
kifo3618: chillin and killin
KeLz84: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
KeLz84: i kill asian chicks
kifo3618: hahahahahahahaa
KeLz84: jhhahahah not really
kifo3618: omg me toooooooo
KeLz84: hahhahaha
KeLz84: i'm laughing by myself
kifo3618: its okkkkkkkkkk
KeLz84: i hope no one's homwe
kifo3618: i laugh al;ot
kifo3618: haha
kifo3618: wheres ur housekeeper
KeLz84: in cuba
kifo3618: dude mines in arabia
KeLz84: whoa man
KeLz84: that's better than shakira from cuba
kifo3618: i hate that bitch ill kill her witgh my claw
KeLz84: hahahhahahahahhahaha
KeLz84: you dance with shakira
kifo3618: yup
KeLz84: woes yuour butler
kifo3618: he is in germany
KeLz84: dancung
KeLz84: to house musik
kifo3618: yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
KeLz84: with a k
KeLz84: i was born and raised uin west philidelphia, but my mom made me go to bel aire to live with my auntie and uncle
kifo3618: hlololololololol
KeLz84: so i have a butler i can't remember huis name
kifo3618: what up fresh princess
KeLz84: oh yea]'
posted by RJ at 12:39 AM